Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer

A significant injury may drastically alter your life, causing immediate harm to your physical, financial, and emotional health. This is exacerbated if your injuries were caused by the carelessness or fault of another person. Fortunately, an experienced Philadelphia Personal Injury Attorney may be able to assist you in seeking compensation for your injuries. They will guide the wounded victims of accidents in seeking justice. At the Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, we protect the interests of injured victims. We handle your case with full dedication and suggest different legal options. Whenever you have a question, you can call us and find a one-stop solution to all your problems.

Why Do You Need to Hire A Personal Injury Attorney in Philadelphia?

After being injured in an accident, you are strongly advised to seek legal assistance. An attorney can serve as your champion, conducting all of the essential legal work so that you may focus on healing. A Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer can also communicate with other individuals on your behalf. Other defendants or at-fault parties can be combative, and talks with insurance providers can rapidly become sour as they seek to reduce payments. By dealing with these potentially unpleasant contacts, an attorney can provide peace of mind, decreasing stress for you and your family. Finally, a lawyer is available for you when you need them and progresses with your strategy in a way that ensures your case is handled with the utmost care.

Different Types Of Personal Injury Claims

Our injury attorneys have extensive experience handling personal injury cases. Common types of claims are:

Every personal injury case in Philadelphia is unique. The legal and factual issues will be different for every case. The amount of compensation will vary based on several factors such as the type and nature of injuries, damages caused during accidents, and the type of accident.

Why Choose Our Injury Lawyers in Philadelphia?

They are capable of managing complex injury claims and getting them to trial having expertise of more than 20 years.

  • We focus on a client-centered approach.
  • Our strategy is to listen to the clients and understand their cases through appropriate discussion.
  • Suggesting different legal options is our next step.
  • Keeping our clients updated about every move is what makes us different.
  • Further, we try to make our esteemed clients comfortable and work for them with confidentiality.
In lawsuits against responsible parties, such as negligent drivers, we protect our client’s rights. Despite the upsetting nature of personal injuries, our legal team will take care of your claim on your behalf, allowing you to concentrate on your recovery. They will also be available to answer any questions or concerns you might have.

What All Damages Can You Recover?

Due to the multitude of situations and elements that can vary widely from case to case, determining the precise amount of damages in a personal injury claim can be challenging. However, you may be able to recover two sorts of damages: economic and non-economic. Economic losses are those that can be easily assessed in monetary terms. They consist of costs such as:

  • Current and future Medical bills;
  • Lost income;
  • Future earnings potentially lost – any long-term effects your injuries may have had on your capacity to continue.
Philadelphia Personal Injury Attorney
Non-economic losses are difficult to quantify and frequently concern a person’s quality of life following the event. These are some examples:

  • Suffering and pain;
  • Loss of collaboration;
  • Loss of consortium;
  • Loss of enjoyment of life.
Punitive damages may be awarded in circumstances where excessive carelessness or a lack of guilt contributed to your injuries. These are viewed as a sort of punishment for the at-fault party’s severe negligence, as well as a deterrence to prevent it from happening again. After facing an auto accident, slip, and fall, medical malpractice, or using a defective product, the priority must be to seek medical treatment. You must go to a doctor for recommended treatment. You can even consult your primary care doctor who is well-versed in your medical history. The medical expenses can be handled by your health insurance or you can inform your insurance company about the accident. For medical treatment you must keep in mind the following points:

  • You must provide detailed information about your accident to your medical provider
  • Sometimes, you may not experience any pain or injuries at the time of the accident. However, there may be a delayed onset of symptoms of pain.
Therefore, it is always recommended to consult a doctor after facing any injuries. Some of the injuries including traumatic brain injury (TBI), herniated disc, or chronic pain may take a bit longer to show symptoms. Doctors can analyze your injuries.

What should you do after facing a personal injury in Philadelphia?

The decisions that you make after sustaining injuries will determine the course of action for your claim. Firstly, you must seek medical attention and report the accident to the police. Secondly, you must collect maximum evidence from the accident scene by capturing pictures and gathering witness information. Thirdly, do not give any recorded statement to anyone, and do not share any details on social media. Lastly, you must contact an experienced attorney who can guide you on how to negotiate with the insurance company and how to proceed with the case.

How to prove negligence in injury cases in Pennsylvania

Proving negligence is a challenging task for personal injury cases in Philadelphia. However, four elements need to be proven in such cases including that someone has a duty of care, someone has breached their duty of care, someone's actions caused your injuries, and you suffered damages. All these elements will help establish the liability. Furthermore, you must present all the evidence including medical records, police reports, photographs of the accident, documentation of lost income, and other statements to prove your injury case.

Statute Of Limitations In Personal Injury Claims In Philadelphia

The Commonwealth of PA has a strict statute of limitations on all personal injury claims. There is a time restriction for injured people to bring a complaint. If you do not file suit within this deadline, you may be unable to receive compensation for your losses. A claimant in Philadelphia has two years (42 Pa C.S.A. § 5524) from the date of the injury to bring a viable personal injury claim. There are, perhaps, a few notable exceptions to this rule. For example, the statute of limitations might differ substantially if a government entity caused your injuries. Hence, it is best to contact a lawyer without any delay. Furthermore, some claims may have an extended statute of limitations based on the “discovery rule” — an extended time that begins once you discover the injury/illness/complication. This is frequently used in medical malpractice lawsuits because the damage or difficulty may not be discovered until years later, perhaps outside the standard statute of limitations. It also sometimes applies to individuals who were under-aged when the accident happened. This may also apply to other claims, but it is advisable to first check with a Philadelphia Personal Injury Attorney to clarify the timeframe for your claim.

What is the personal injury claim process?

After facing an accident, you may experience catastrophic injuries and may be unable to pay hefty medical expenses. Therefore, to obtain the compensation amount you need to reimburse you for your losses, you should be aware of the claim process and how it works.

  • Firstly, you need to work out who was responsible for your injuries.
  • Gathering evidence will be your second target.
  • Getting suitable medical care and rehabilitation is another important step.
  • Informing the insurance company will mark the beginning of your claim process.
  • You must present all the necessary documents while the claim process is going on. They may include your driving license, medical records, vehicle registration number, and others.
  • The insurance representative may also be inspecting everything about your vehicle, including injuries, and other damages.
Working out the settlement amount is vital as that will help you handle your medical bills. Therefore, you must be cautious of what you reveal in front of the insurance company.

Helpful Tips to Avoid Getting Injured

Whether it is slipping on a floor of a restaurant or colliding with a vehicle, sustaining injuries is common. Therefore, it will be advantageous for you to keep yourself safe. Here is a brief rundown of some of the quick tips and tricks that can save you from damages and legal paperwork.

  • You must always take time off from your work if you can afford it, both to recover and reduce your stress levels.
  • Wear the right footwear that can prevent you from slipping
  • Strengthen your muscles through regular exercise
  • Increase flexibility that can help you avoid accidents.
  • Keep a regular check on your vehicle’s brakes as that can save you from deadly crashes
  • Always play safe by taking frequent breaks while going on long road journeys
  • When in severe pain, you must always go for a medical check-up.
Following these tips can help you from facing an injury and will promote a safe and optimal environment for everyone.

Contact our Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyers Near You Today.

You should not have to endure the financial costs of your injuries. When you were hurt through no fault of your own in an accident caused by someone else’s recklessness. You have the right to seek retribution and justice for your losses. Don’t put off filing your injury claim until it’s too late. Get in touch with an injury attorney in Philadelphia for a free consultation, as well as to learn more about what our law firm can do to help and support you in getting compensation for your injuries.

Philadelphia Personal Injury FAQ’s

  • How to know whether you have a legitimate claim or no

    Our lawyers will discuss and understand all the facts about your case. Further, they will even analyze your injuries, identify who is the at-fault party, and will explain how to proceed with the claim process. This approach will help you in knowing whether you have a legitimate claim or not.
  • Will Your injury case go to trial?

    It depends on the particular case. However, on average there is a 3% to 4% chance that your case will ultimately go to trial. Most cases are settled out of court in which both parties find a common agreement. Nevertheless, you must be prepared for the case going to trial.
  • Can you recover compensation if the insurance provider is blaming you for the injury case?

    Yes, you can recover the settlement amount even if the insurance company is blaming you. However, the percentage of blame will be analyzed. In Pennsylvania, there is a modified comparative fault system (42 Pa C.S.A. § 7102). According to this law, you must have less than 51% fault to obtain recovery. The amount will be reduced by your fault percentage. For example, if you are found to bear 38% of the fault, your financial award will be reduced by 38%.